? Note: When you are finished using Letterhead Pro, all templates and Letterhead Pro files may be removed from your WordStar template directory with the installed CLEANUP.EXE program. Use the RUN selection on the windows Program Manager menu (or equivalent), and select CLEANUP.EXE in the WordStar template directory. If you prefer, you may also activate CLEANUP.EXE from the DOS command line in that directory. All traces of Letterhead Pro files will be removed.
Document Summary: Letterhead Pro may be used to design and order professionally created custom letterheads for WordStar. There are 7 sample letterheads, 6 logos, and 1 watermark installed. The letterhead or watermark may be placed into any new WordStar document by selecting FILE on the Menu bar, and then choosing NEW. You will be asked to select a template. Scroll up to the templates (files ending with WST) that begin with an underscore ("_"), and make a selection. The letterhead or watermark will appear on a new document. Repeat this procedure until you find a letterhead that appeals to you. Print the letterhead, alter it, and write in your own information. Any printer you are using for Windows, will print the letterhead, logo, or watermark. Logos may be placed into any document using the Insert Frame and Import functions. If you wish to have them placed in a letterhead template, you must supply the exact location. When satisfied with the changes you have made to a printed template, you may send it to CPI Software with a check or money order for $29.95 plus shipping. You will then receive your own customized template letterhead or watermark that may be selected anytime you open a new document.The following is a list of templates installed by Letterhead Pro:
Note: Each template begins with an underline or underscore. This is to distinguish these letterhead templates from any other templates that you may have in the the WordStar Template directory, and it keeps all the Letterhead Pro templates together for easy selection.
When opening a New document, you are asked to select a template. The Letterhead Pro templates are named to give you an idea of the type of letterhead that the template contains. Each letterhead is a graphical PCX image and will automatically come up on a new document, when the template is selected. Using a graphical image for a letterhead or logo allows you to use a very professional appearing design that could not be obtained using the regular text and drawing capabilities of WordStar. Naturally, you may include font typefaces that you do not currently have, nor would ever use, except in a letterhead or watermark.
The _LOGO.WST template will display 6 logos that may be printed and customized to your design. You may obtain your own custom designed logo for $29.95 plus shipping. The logo, however, does not come setup within its own template. You may use WordStar's Frame option to insert the Logo as a graphic anywhere in a document. The Import Graphic command on the FILE menu will do this. If you want the logo set into a letterhead template that you are ordering, you must indicate the exact location.
A graphical PCX Watermark (a light image of about 5% density that is placed behind the text of a document) is also available. Designing a watermark is much the same as designing a logo. The circled text logo, enlarged to about 4.5 inches in diameter and lightened to 5% density, makes a striking watermark. However, a laser printer should have at least 2 megabytes of laser RAM to print a watermark. Watermarks cannot have a great deal of detail, since it would be obscured behind the document's text.
If you already have a printed letterhead that you would like copied, follow the instructions below to obtain your graphic letterhead template for WordStar. However, we suggest that you print out some of the Letterhead Pro letterheads. You may wish to order an additional letterhead or alter your present letterhead with some of the ideas presented in the above sample letterheads. Remember to include any address and telephone changes that may apply.
Scanned Logos and designs may be incorporated into your letterhead. If you have a logo or drawing that you would like to include, send a large clear copy on a sheet of white paper. Try to obtain the best copy possible, so that the 600 dpi flatbed scanner may be able to pick up all the small details. Also attach instructions that indicate where you would like to have it placed in the letterhead.
The letterhead designs used in the Letterhead Pro templates are only suggestions. You may use any text design of your own. If you wish to include clip art in your letterhead, you must have registered the clip art with the manufacturer or shareware author. You should also read the copyright information to make sure that you are able to use your clip art in this manner. If in doubt, contact the manufacturer to obtain permission for its use.
How to Proceed
If you have not already done so, print this LETPRO.DOC file by selecting File and then Print from the File menu. You may then use these written instructions to call up the templates, and you will have a copy of the Order Form, Information and Suggestions, and Worksheet. Follow the directions in A, B, or C, below:
A. If you do not currently have a letterhead, but would like to get some good ideas to help you design your own customized letterhead:
x The Letterhead Pro letterheads may be placed automatically into a document by the usual method for starting a new document in WordStar. Select FILE on the Menu, and then choose NEW. A dialog box will appear and you will be asked to select a template for the document. All templates have a WST file ending. Scroll up to the top of the list and look for Letterhead Pro templates beginning with an underscore (for example: _clipart).
x When you select a Letterhead Pro template, a new document will open and the letterhead will appear in its proper position. You may call up each Letterhead Pro template in this manner. Use your first instincts as you examine each letterhead. Print the letterhead if it strikes you in a positive way.
x After printing all the desired letterheads, combine their best features into one letterhead of your own design. Cross out the Letterhead Pro data and write in your own information. Use arrows to designate where you would like to move lines of text. Give the typefaces a little thought, and indicate what type of fonts you would like to use.
& Typefaces: The great thing about using a PCX graphical letterhead, is that you may select typefaces and fonts that you do not currently own. These typefaces will be used in your customized letterhead, logo, or watermark. We have a large selection of excellent proprietary typefaces that may be used to match any you may want. You may attach samples of typefaces that you would like to us to use (from magazines, letterheads, or even advertisements). Be sure to indicate which lines should contain the indicated typefaces. include a typeface name if you know it. If you do not indicate a particular font or typeface, we will use our best judgment to give you a typeface that will yield a good looking professional letterhead.
+*Fill out the Order Form below, and mail to CPI Software, PO Box 47097, St. Petersburg, Florida 33743-7097 with your remittance.
$If you wish, you may select the FAX BACK option. We will fax the completed letterhead, logo, or watermark to you (you must provide us with a fax number) and hold your order. This will give you an opportunity to edit and fax back an edited letterhead. We will make corrections, if any, to the letterhead, and ship it to you as a WordStar for Windows template. Should we not hear from you after seven days, we will send you the letterhead with template as is. Keep in mind, however, that fax machines vary in their transmitted output.
B. If you presently have a printed letterhead, and wish to have it transferred to a graphic image (with template) for use in WordStar:
xSend a copy of the letterhead with the Order Form below. You may include any additions or changes. Print clearly and carefully whatever changes you would like. Also enclose any samples of typefaces that you would like us to use, should you want to change the typeface. If possible, give the name of the typeface and point sizes.
xIf you want to make extensive changes, follow the instructions in "A" above. Send us any copies of letterheads from Letterhead Pro that may help convey these changes.
3 Letterheads are not scanned directly into a graphic image. The quality of scanned text is generally not good enough for typefaces used in a professional letterhead in WordStar. However, we may scan logos, drawings, and art forms with a black and white 600 dpi flat bed scanner, if you request it. All letterhead templates are normally in PCX black and white graphic images. Color images are huge files and should be used only if you have a printer that is designed to print color images. If you have need for color images, contact CPI Software.
$ The FAX BACK option (see the order form) may be included. This gives you the opportunity to view the finished design and make any necessary changes. With the FAX BACK option, we will hold shipment of the letterhead, logo, or watermark for seven days or until we hear from you.
C. If you do not have a letterhead, and would like us to design one for you:
x We would appreciate your filling out the Optional Information below. This gives us some direction, so that we may have some guidance in the design of your letterhead.
x Follow the instructions in "A" above to produce letterheads from Letterhead Pro. Select any that appeals to you with notes on what you prefer as to design and typefaces.
$ The FAX BACK option comes in very handy in this case, because it gives you the opportunity to make changes. After the design is faxed to you, the letterhead may be edited, and faxed back to us. We must, however, have a fax number from you on the Order Form.
Conditions and Limitations
CPI Software may refuse any offer deemed as unreasonable or beyond the scope of this offer. All letterheads or logos are shipped in compressed PCX format. Drawings, clip art, logos, or images that are to be included in a letterhead, must be copyrighted by the customer, or have permission of the author or company who created the image, to include it in a letterhead. Under no circumstance will CPI Software be liable for the inclusion of such material by the creator or owner of the image who is not the person on entity on the Order Form. The signature of the customer on the order form signifies that the customer transfers all liability to the individual or company who is represented by that signature. All diskettes, forms, and instructions sent to CPI Software cannot be returned to the customer unless specific request has been made. Once CPI Software ships the letterhead, no returns or refunds are honored.
CPI software will not be liable to the user or any third party for use of this software nor its printed output, or for damages arising from its use, even if apprised of the possibility of such damages occurring. This software and accompanying instructions, or other written material, are to be used without any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, performance, or otherwise. CPI Software does not copyright letterheads, logos, or watermarks created for a customer, user, or entity, through this software: they are the sole property of the user or entity for whom it was created. When a letterhead, logo, or watermark has been shipped, CPI Software surrenders all ownership of the image, and all benefits or liabilities, are assumed by that user or entity. We suggest that the customer protect his rights under federal copyright laws.
CPI Software is a Member of the
Association of Shareware
Authors and Distributors
Letterhead Pro for WordStar for Windows has been produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Authors and Distributors, and as such, has met their demands for professional programming. Any problems of a shareware nature that cannot be resolved by CPI Software, may be brought to the attention of the ASAD Ombudsman for possible correction. Please send all information, including the name and address of the person or company you received Letterhead Pro for WordStar for Windows from, to: ASAD, ATTN: Ombudsman, 2425 North Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio 45503-1109.
Other Shareware Business Products from CPI Software:
Laser Letterhead plus
The Letterhead Kit
Letterhead Pro for WordPerfect for DOS
Letterhead Pro for WordPerfect for Windows,
Letterhead Pro for Ami Pro for Windows
Letterhead Pro for Word for Windows
Letterhead Pro for WordStar for DOS
Technical Assistance and Customer Service: Voice/Fax/Message Line: 813-544-0212
Consider these possible problems:
1. When designing a letterhead for WordStar, be aware that graphic images are actually boxes. If you design a letterhead that is wide (across the page) and also extends down the page at the left or right margin, the graphic letterhead forms a box from the top of the page to just below the last line of the letterhead on the left or right margin.
1. In order for you to get into this box to create a document, we have to indicate to WordStar (in the template) that text may flow around the letterhead. This means that instead of having text fill in only below the letterhead, text may be written around the side(s) of the letterhead. Depending upon where the letterhead is located, it might cause a problem when you begin a new document. However, in some cases this works out very nicely. The _SIDE. WST template is an example of this. All of the text of the document flows down the right side of the letterhead. Another alternative is to indicate to WordStar that the text may flow over the letterhead. This always leaves the possibility that, a some point, the text may overwrite portions of the letterhead.
2. If we were to design your letterhead in two or more separate graphic sections, the text would flow around or between each portion. An example of this would be a letterhead located at the top of the page, and another portion at the bottom of the page. This, however, requires the equivalent of two or more letterheads, and you would be charged accordingly.
3. If your letterhead is large, and you are using a laser printer, you must have several megabytes of ram in your laser printer to accept the large graphic image and the page of written document text. If not, the page or image will only partially print. However, most laser printers will allow you to install additional ram memory.
If you are using a laser printer that has less than a megabyte of ram installed, take care not design a large letterhead. When the document is sent to the printer, it must have enough ram installed to take the typed document, the graphic letterhead, and other pictures, graphics, or images on the page.
Laser printers are page formatted. They print an entire page at one time, while dot matrix and most ink jet printers go line by line and utilize print buffers. If your laser printer can manage a similar letterhead, such as in the example letterheads of Letterhead Pro, and a full page of typed document, it should be able to print your customized letterhead with no problem.
Before sending in your letterhead design, you may test your laser printer to see if it can print both the written document and the graphic letterhead. Select a letterhead of similar design from the Letterhead Pro collection of example letterheads. Type a full document onto the letterhead page. Send it to the printer and see if there is any problem printing it. If all goes well you should, in all probability, have no trouble printing your custom designed letterhead.
Another simple test involves this LETPRO document. If you select to print all the pages in this document, and your laser printer fails to print out the last page (Order Form), then you have only about a megabyte of memory. This will print a nice letterhead, but it will not print a letterhead and watermark. (To print the last page, Order Form, you must click on the Select Pages selection in the Print dialog box, and select page 8).
4. If your printer will not print graphics, see if the proper printer driver is installed for Windows. Some printers will print text very well using a generic IBM print driver, or one that is intended for a similar printer. Print drivers are small programs that contain all the printer's commands to print text and graphics. If the print driver does not contain all of the proper graphics commands, it will not be able to print graphical letterheads.
Optional Information and Suggestions
All information here is confidential and will be used for designing the graphic letterhead or logo. Nothing is circulated to a third party. All information is optional.
A. Is letterhead/logo for business or personal use? __Business __Personal
B. If for a business, please answer the following:
Does the business deal in 1. Services, 2. Selling a product, 3. Medical Profession, Attorney, or Teaching Institution. Answer 1, 2, or 3:_____
If you sell a product, please indicate what type of product:____________________________________________________
If you deal in services, please indicate the type of service:_____________________________________________________
If you have a special message, phrase or slogan, please indicate:
If a professional, please indicate field of practice:______________________________________________________________
C. Circle the number in front of the selections below to indicate your preferences in a letterhead: (Select as many as you wish)
1. Conservative 16. Place shadows behind the
2. Different letters of the company name
3. Modern 17. Center the letterhead
4. Traditional 18. Left Justify the letterhead
5. Use Clip Art 19. Right Justify the letterhead
6. Use Geometric Figures, such 20. Run letterhead down left
as triangles, circles, squares side of page
7. Use a baseline under the letterhead 21. Run letterhead down right
8. Box in or frame the letterhead side of page
9. Place a shadow around a box/frame 22. List names of department
10. Underline the company name heads on right/left margin
11. Place company name in header and 23. Use script typeface for
address in footer at bottom of page company name only
12. Keep letterhead small at top of page 24. Use all script typefaces
13. Use a large letterhead of 2" height 25. Do not use script typeface
14. Company name in large letters, but 26. Use decorative fancy fonts
keep address and other info small 27. Use only san serif fonts
15. Company name only slightly larger similar to helvetica
than address or other info 28. Use times roman type fonts
D. Keep in mind that the basic parts of a letterhead may include:
1. Company or Personal Name 5. A line indicating business or 2. Street Address or Post Office box number, or both profession, i.e. "Attorney at Law"
3. Telephone and/or Fax number 6. A motto or short slogan
4. Names of officers in a company, department heads, etc. 7. Logos, geometrics, base line
E. Some things to avoid:
1. Unnecessary abbreviations - use complete word where space allows.
2. The ampersand (&) may be used in a company name, but rarely elsewhere.
3. Do not attempt to use quotes ("") for emphasis.
This Worksheet is included as a guide. It may be helpful if you are creating a letterhead from "scratch." Print or draw out everything by hand that you want on the letterhead. Even if you are not an artist, attempt to sketch any geometric designs and their placement in the letterhead. If you do not keep things in scale; our design department will accomplish that for you. Some lines below may be ignored if they do not suit your purpose.
Line 1 - Company name..:_________________________________________________________________
Line 2 - Optional line.:____________________________________________________________________
Line 3 - Address/PO Box:_________________________________________________________________
Line 4 - City/State/Zip:____________________________________________________________ _______
Line 5 - Telephone/Fax number:__________________________________________________________
Line 6 - Optional line.:____________________________________________________________________
The optional lines contain business type, mottos, and slogans. The address line and City/State/Zip may be on one line, if desired. For only a two line letterhead, use the format below:
Line 1 - Company name:__________________________________________________________________
Line 2 - Address/PO Box/City/State/Zip/Telephone/Fax/Number:
≥ Draw a brief sketch below, showing how you want to arrange the above information on the letterhead page. Attach additional sheets of paper and any of the letterhead examples that you have selected from the Letterhead Pro selection. Keep things as simple as possible.
Place an X in Appropriate Box and Indicate Diskette Size Desired:
Select one below and Indicate if Fax Back Option is wanted:
_____ Template Letterhead(s) for WordStar @ $29.95 __________
_____ Logo(s) in PCX Graphic Format for WordStar @ $29.95 each __________
_____ Watermark(s) in PCX Graphic Light Density (5%) Format @ $29.95 each __________
_____ Fax Back Option: Please fax design to me before shipping. Add $5.00 __________
Florida Residents Add 6% (Pinellas County 7%) State Sales Tax __________
Shipping and Handling. Add $5.00 (US and Canada - Others Add $10.00) __________
Make Checks and Money Orders Payable to CPI Software, and Mail to
Post Office Box 4709, St. Petersburg, Florida 33743-7097 USA
Due to the low price of this offer, we cannot accept credit cards.
All currency in US Dollars with checks drawn on a bank or banchg in the United States.